Roadways to Justice tells the history of efforts to reform the criminal justice system, and it is somewhat of a memoir. Beginning in 1969, I worked as a prosecutor in the King County Prosecutor’s Office in Seattle Washington for 27 years. Following that for 8 years I was the Senior Training Counsel at the National Advocacy Center in South Carolina where state and local prosecutors were trained. During that time, I also served as the program manager of continuing legal education programs for the National College of District Attorneys.
In 2004, I returned to Seattle and have been a Distinguished Practitioner in Residence at Seattle University Law School where I teach Trial Advocacy, Pretrial Advocacy, Essential Visual Litigation and Technology, and Essential Lawyering Skills. In addition, I’ve taught in over 40 states at continuing legal education course and internationally in the Balkans.
The central focus of Roadways to Justice is how to reform the criminal justice system. The King County Prosecutor’s Office has had remarkable successes in reforming the justice system, and what success the one prosecutor’s office has had provides a roadmap for others who want to make a meaningful difference in the American criminal justice system.
The book has received some really nice reviews like this five-star review:
"For those who doubt the criminal justice hasn’t changed for eons, this book is a must read. The author, a nationally known former prosecutor and educator, outlines through personal experience how the system has evolved in the last 40 years. He paints a picture of how the public prosecutor’s office has played a leadership role in this evolution, from dealing with public corruption, the death penalty and juvenile justice to providing training on a national level to new prosecutors.
"Mr. Clark’s use of actual events and cases in which he was involved brings home how the system can be steered by prosecutors dedicated to doing the right thing."
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